Welcome to my little corner of Blog Land!

Hi! I'm Ruth Saberton, RNA award nominated writer of romantic fiction and busy teacher/horse owner/step mother.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

End of a busy week!

Wow, I can't believe just how hectic this week has been.  There's been so much to do at school with coursework and parents' evening and I've hardly had a minute to get any writing done.  Today was BBC News Report Day which is a day when school students get to become journalists and produce a video edited reportage of world and local news.  They started at half eight and worked right through to the deadline at 2pm.  Matthew Shepherd from BBC Radio Cornwall joined us for the morning and the kids were thrilled to be interviewed live on air.  I was interviewed about Ellie Andrews has Second Thoughts so hopefully some listeners might pre order it.  Here's the ten minute report our students did. Enjoy! http://www.bodminphotography.co.uk/

My agent, Eve, called me yesterday with some brilliant news about a potential Christmas project. I can't say much in case nothing comes of it but I'm very excited. I will also be very busy too...

Last weekend I was very busy filming Polperro scenes for my next vlog.  I thought I would do a tour of the village and show all the locations from  Katy Carter Wants a Hero to give you all a taste of what inspired me. It's slow work editing though but I really hope to get it up and running soon! The footage is really stunning and it's quite a challenge to decide what to leave out.

OK, I'd better get back to work.  Before I go though, just a quick question: if I were to run Writers' Weekends on using video editing to make book trailers and promotions for novel publicity, would people be interested? I may as well use my Media Teacher expertise!  email me and let me know at rsaberton@yahoo.com

I've also posted my latest short story on my website.  Feel free to read it and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I would! Especially if it meant I got to spend a few days in lovely Cornwall :)
