Welcome to my little corner of Blog Land!

Hi! I'm Ruth Saberton, RNA award nominated writer of romantic fiction and busy teacher/horse owner/step mother.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Writers' gathering!

I've been really busy this week sorting out contracts for a new novel under the pen name of Georgie Carter which will hit the book shops and supermarkets at Christmas.  Complete with glittery title and themed cover "Perfect Wedding" should be just the thing to snuggle down with on a cold wintery day.  I'm really excited! I wrote the book several years ago and I'm really pleased it's finally seeing the light of day.

This weekend I've been really busy working on my Year 11 coursework marking and at last I'm making inroads.  I allowed myself a day off though because my lovely writer friend, Victoria Connelly, and her husband Roy and down for a week in Polperro. It's been great catching up with them both and chatting about book stuff.  I feel less stressed about my deadlines when I talk to other writers and realise that they are just as flat out as I am! Vicki writes fab novels for Avon, and her next book is out on April 21st.  Check her out at http://victoriaconnelly.com Her Jane Austen books are wonderful.

To distract myself even further from writing book three I've ordered loads of new novels from Amazon, including the new Fiona Walker and Chrissie Manby.  I can hardly wait for the parcel and am stalking the Polperro postie! Chrissie is on the shortlist for the 2011 Melissa Nathan Award so fingers crossed for her. I didn't make it this time, sob, but there's always next year!  Hopefully people will like "Ellie Andrews has Second Thoughts" just as much as "Katy".

OK, I really must go and muck out my horse. Oh the glamour of my life! xx

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