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Hi! I'm Ruth Saberton, RNA award nominated writer of romantic fiction and busy teacher/horse owner/step mother.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Write your own novel challenge!

I was wasting time on FaceBook rather than writing my book (as usual!) when I came across a post from author Sally Quilford.  May - you write your novel challenge involves writing 80,000 words in 80 days from May 1st 2011 to July 19th.  This is a brilliant idea and just the thing to put a rocket beneath and prevaricating writer and get them all fired up.  The details are on Sally's blog and could be just what you need to get inspired. Published and unpublished writers can take part.

I'm certainly up for it because at the moment I'm finding it really hard to motivate myself. I'm really exhausted after school (I'm a teacher - I'm not literally at school!) and all I want to do in the evening is collapse in a heap. Hopefully knowing that the support of other writers is available (ie we are all suffering together!) will really help.  I've got to finish "Perfect Wedding" by the end of May " and "Issie Evans finds Rural Bliss" by the end of September. Gulp.

So, sign up and get writing! x

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